Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Welcome to the new home of Xenithar's Lair!  Due to some difficulties with my previous website host, I decided to move the site to a new, free, and simpler platform.  Besides, I get the impression people run across regular blogs on Blogger more often than the sort of website I had.  I'm excited to finish getting all the pages up, and I hope my readers enjoy the new Lair.  I apologize in advance for pages still under construction.

Who am I?  I am an author of fantasy and science fiction who goes by the name S.A. Thorup, although my friends call me Sarah :)  I've been writing novels for about 13 years now, and have had many adventures in and out of my imagination.  I self-publish on, although I hope to get with a traditional publisher.

These past few months have been a blur. With a new baby, dates and days of the week have become less important to me; I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. The weeks pass by quickly, and most Sundays I can't believe another week has passed and our son has grown another week. However, it's been a joy having him in our lives. There's nothing quite like waking up to a baby's smile on a cold Fall morning.

I've also gotten back into my Pilates Portable Studio workout. I started doing PPS soon after I graduated high school, and I shed weight and got toned. I slacked off after we got married and gained weight. However, during my pregnancy I determined I wanted to get back into PPS, and once I got my 6-week post-partum go-ahead from my OBGYN, I've been working out with it. I've done it in conjunction with walking, and I'm already losing weight; I've lost 15-16 lbs since I left the hospital. I'm also getting toned, and I have more energy and greater self-esteem. I love it.

I hope you too participate in Hug a Lupogryph Day!
A proud Southern tradition.
Recently I've been working on two main projects: editing and revising Book II of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Dream, and writing another story I won't reveal the title of quite yet. However, I will say it is a trilogy that occurs over 1000 years after The Legend of Draconite. It explores completely new characters and a new land, and will be a pretty gritty story. It's been a challenge to write, but that challenge has made it satisfying.

Speaking of The Legend of Draconite, right now I have just Book 1 revised and ready for submission. I've submitted it to a publisher but haven't heard back from them. I've been debating re-releasing Book 1 on Lulu. What do you readers think about that? Createspace on Amazon is another option I wouldn't mind trying.

LOD Revisited hasn't been my main focus recently, although I did start the revision of Book 2.  It may be some time before more news of Book 2 comes back.

A while back I had a conversation with fellow author W.A. Johnson about how cute a lupogryph plushie would be, and it got me thinking about doing a picture.  It's not the most complicated thing I've done, but it was fun and short :)

Have a good evening, and I hope to hear from you soon!


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