Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Trading Cards

I've managed to turn a lot of my focus from Libera Battle to my writing projects, which is a good thing, but I'm still trying to be somewhat consistent with my card creating.  Below are some more cards that I've created for your viewing pleasure.


I was particularly excited to do the "Black Griffin of the Sapphire" card, as it was a ring I had fondly imagined while writing about the ring's owner, Othorro, but never drawn.  I'm not really thrilled about the background, though; I couldn't figure out what to do, so I turned to GIMPs fractal explorer script.

The Captain Hoofwind card is probably going to print darker than I intended, so I may go back and lighten the picture a little.  For Bronwyn I referred to a pencil drawing I had created that details her armor a lot better than this character card.

I imagined Bronwyn having metal plate armor that resembles an insect's carapace, a grasshopper in particular.  It has spiny protrusions and sharp angles.  The sketch of her also has detail on her wings, which I always enjoy drawing.  I considered using the drawing for the card, but I didn't in this case.  I may use hand-drawn pictures for future cards, though.

Have a nice evening :)

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