I love details. I love planning out the details in things like meetings, administration, programming, etc., but then I come to my creative writing and art, and I tend to be a lot...looser on things. I'm not used to setting writing and art goals, even though I can see the progress I'm making on them already. I suppose that when I meet a goal, a part of my mind gets a little lazy and says "What now?" Will I keep the same passion for the written and visual storytelling? Or will this make me burn out faster?
Well, so far I've maintained a passion, although I'm getting a little burned out. Usually in that case I need to take a day or two to rejuvenate before diving back into an artistic endeavor.
Here is a digital painting of a city that features in one of the Legacy Incarnate short stories. I'm learning to do landscape paintings, and this was a fun exercise.
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