Saturday, January 25, 2025

Drawings and Goals vs. Artistry

I love details. I love planning out the details in things like meetings, administration, programming, etc., but then I come to my creative writing and art, and I tend to be a lot...looser on things. I'm not used to setting writing and art goals, even though I can see the progress I'm making on them already. I suppose that when I meet a goal, a part of my mind gets a little lazy and says "What now?" Will I keep the same passion for the written and visual storytelling? Or will this make me burn out faster?

Well, so far I've maintained a passion, although I'm getting a little burned out. Usually in that case I need to take a day or two to rejuvenate before diving back into an artistic endeavor. 

Here is a digital painting of a city that features in one of the Legacy Incarnate short stories. I'm learning to do landscape paintings, and this was a fun exercise.

This next one I'm particularly pleased with. I needed to practice drawing snow leopards for a short while before I could get the tundra leopard's head correct, as they are similar in appearance. These two characters appear in the last short story in the Legacy Incarnate anthology. My goal is to create at least 2 illustrations for each short story.

Will I post every illustration that will be in the books? No, but I still feature them here or there on Xenithar's Musings.

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