Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My love/hate relationship with epithets

Some time ago I read an article about using epithets.  An epithet is an adjective used in place of a name in a sentence.  I wish I could remember where I found this particular article, but it really opened my eyes to how I look at my own writing and how I use epithets.

After reading that article, I realized how annoyingly repetitive I was with epithets, especially as I've gone through the edit and revision of Incarnate Dream.  I kept using "the elf," "the fairy," "the Molouk," etc. in places where their names or pronouns would have been much more appropriate.  You can use that sort of epithet when first introducing the character, but thereafter, it should already be clear what that person is (race and gender, in this case).

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Dream Continues

I have finished the first edit/revision of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Dream!  I was so excited I wanted to post about it :3

Soon I'll be starting at the beginning of the manuscript once more to do a second revision, and later I will do a third edit/revision.  I need to add the Compendium (the LI index) as well.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Seal of the Realms - Collab

For the last few days me and my husband James worked on coloring a piece of lineart he created in his AutoCAD 2012 Fall semester class.  It's called the Seal of the Realms, and is a symbol that appears in a series of fantasy stories he wishes to write.  There's tons of symbolism in it in regards to the series, but I won't delve into it on this blog.  With his permission, I am sharing this artwork with you today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Woman Character

I've been thinking about what to post and about the female character.  What makes a character female?  And what characterizes my own femininity?

I know who I am.  I am a Daughter of God.  The Holy Spirit has testified that to me numerous times.  And knowing who I am has helped me define who my female book characters are.

No, my book characters aren't Mormon.  In fact, I will intentionally make them imperfect to show that even good characters don't all have the same standards as me, and that my religion doesn't exist in their world.  Take Sabra the Incarnate, for example.  She has been the biggest mirror into my soul during my writing career, but she does things I would never do, like swear or drink mead (which is her favorite alcoholic drink).  I didn't want her to be exactly like me.  But at the same time, she is filled with good intentions like I am.  She has done many a good thing, like I have.  She has made many mistakes, like me.