Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Xenithar's Closet

 Official COL Merchandis this way!
A project I've thought on and off about is creating apparel based on Chronicles of Libera stuff...

So that's exactly what I did!

There are several apparel items available on Xenithar's Closet, ranging in design from Ramirran cider to the Mark of the Blessed. Head on over and check it out!

I've been able to design these so quickly because I've had this art on the computer for a long time, and now these art pieces work well for clothing. I'll continue to design apparel, and hopefully other merchandise for this site.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

The 9th E'lsra

"Zephyr squeezed her hand and hurried out of the shadows and onto the interlocking stone floor. His steel armor gleamed in the chandelier lights as he mingled with his warrior kin, their helms glinting where they hung on their rib plates. How she longed to be able to run out there with them in her own suit of steel, clap her gauntleted hands against theirs, and talk as brothers and sisters, even amid such a grand occasion as this. No, not tonight. Queenhood beckoned to her, reminded her that she had chosen to leave the Draconite clan behind to keep her country secure from scheming bureaucrats. Though she would always be a Draconite at heart, she had an appearance and duty to uphold to the Ramirran throne."

Lately I've done some introspection on my self publishing and what I as an author want available for my readers. After some soul searching, I've decided to devote most of my writing efforts into completing the revision and re-publication of The Legend of Draconite, starting with Book 3: E'lsra.  Yay!

Why? Well, LoD is the backbone of The Chronicles if Libera. While  books like Lithia and Founders can be read on their own, a series like Legacy Incarnate can be hard to grasp at first without the full background of characters and lore like Sabra, the Draconites, the Gospel of Zarem, the gods, etc. A better appreciation for Lithia and Founders can be had after reading LoD as well.

As far as Book 3 of LoD goes, I skimmed through the old manuscript and made a lot of notes. After some consideration, I just decided to rewrite E'lsra. The core of the story is the same, but I'll be expanding on character arcs and world lore.

Currently the expected publish date for E'lsra is April 2020, but may change depending on how far along I am by March 2020.

What about Incarnate Key? I'll still be working on Legacy Incarnate, but most of my sparse writing time will be devoted to The Legend of Draconite.

I plan on posting excerpts from both projects to share with my readers, hopefully without being too spoilerific. I'll also plan on posting editing/writing session videos again for these projects.
Also keep an eye out for exciting art updates! Thanks for reading!