Saturday, October 26, 2024

I Can't Believe I Did This....

 I can't believe I did it, folks. Recently I finished drafting Book V of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Truth! After our trip to the Redwoods, I got on a writing high and I crafted the rest of the story. There's still some rough spots to work out, but I got the most important stuff in and I'm pretty pleased with the rough draft. It's a TON better than the original BV draft I completed back in 2011 or so.

Will it be published anytime soon? Probably not. I can't even promise it will be released next year, and will most likely be a 2026 release. I am revising and editing Book 3 of The Legend of Draconite right now, and I still need to get the Legacy Incarnate anthology (Book 4.5) ready, which has some key elements to help the reader understand some things in Book V. In the meantime, I plan on posting related artwork and excerpts so you, my reader, can take sneak peeks at these books in progress!

A screenshot of B3 of LOD in
Scrivener, the primary software I use for my writing.
The red is my first edit through. I highly recommend
Scrivener for serious story-tellers!

Doing that much writing caused some burn out for me, and I'm trying to get my creative juices flowing for editing E'lsra again. I was partway through the first edit when I got the drive to finish LI BV, and now it's time to jump back in. One way I've been doing this is the inked illustrations I've been sharing, and I want to focus more on illustrations for E'lsra. I've written several ideas, and would love to do two illustrations per chapter. To start with, I based it on a scene near the beginning of an excerpt I've already shared on here,  "Tournament of Swords".

"Henry hummed and kissed her, breathing her in. She had recently bathed and smelled of her favorite rose-scented soap, and against the chill of the morning, she was so warm and soft in his arms…but he would have to wait to indulge himself any further with Sabra until after the Tournament."

As well as the general composition and pose of the characters, I focused a lot on symbolism. If you're familiar with classical art, you'll find the character poses inspired by "Il Bacio" by Francesco Hayez. I wanted to emphasize the warmth of Henry and Sabra's embrace and kiss.
One of the major elements is the painting in the background, of two Molouk lovers reaching to each other, one of them ascending to heaven. The Draconite's wings have Erskan characters inscribed on them that read "Sabra Life," "Joy," and "Henry Death." If you're familiar with The Legacy Incarnate, you'll have a pretty good understanding of what the painting generally foreshadows.

On or near the ground are a child's drawing and crayons, a couple of which are broken, hinting at Sabra's difficulty with child-bearing. Around Henry are four ribbons, indicating his participation in the upcoming tournament, along with the scribbled-on sheaf of paper on the ground.

There's lots of other stuff too, but I won't explain it all here, because that's the viewer's job! What sorts of things can you infer from this picture?

I realized in hindsight that this illustration isn't completely accurate to the drafted scene, so I may need to do some fix-up there, but it still turned out great!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sabra and Zarem (B3)

 Here is another illustration I created with ink pen, based on a scene from Book III of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Memory. Here Sabra volunteers to incarnate as the demi-goddess Luna, so Luna can ascend to full godhood.

This was an experiment in using the ink to express movement, composition, and lighting. As I didn't want a heavy use of inkage for shading, I had to decide how to best depict the light coming off of Zarem, so I made his throne darker around him.

I had attempted some concepts with this particular scene in the past, but it just didn't come across right until now, several years later!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Illustration Concept

 I'm back with another illustration, one I failed to add to my last post, but I figured I could talk about it here. I did this one in pencil, and then scanned it in and "inked" it in Krita. It's interesting feeling and seeing the differences between the hard inking medium and the digital. This is an illustration of Caemorr and Sabra, based a scene from the WIP Incarnate Truth. 

 It's a concept for an illustration, as I've been considering adding illustrations to my works going forward. (I've dabbled a bit in illustrating my books with small things here or there, but nothing regular.) Whether or not I use it, it was fun to do!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Exploring Illustration (inking)

 Hello everyone,

First off, writing continues on Book V of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Truth. Look for more updates on it soon! I'm so glad I went back and rewrote this story from the draft. In August our family went on a trip to Redwoods National Forest in California, and it was a huge inspiration for me for some key parts of the story. Forested mountains + beach = perfection.

I recently read the manga epic Nausicaรค: Of the Valley of the Wind. I had seen the movie multiple times, but finally read the story, and it is magnificent in its scope and message. I've been inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's art style to try my hand at inking some illustrations, so I picked up a set of inking pens and have been having fun in a new sketchbook drawing and inking. Eventually I want to do a side project where I turn a short story or part of a longer story into an inked comic. I did this back in high school for a creative writing class project, and it was a lot of fun!

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!