Book III of The Legacy Incarnate: Incarnate Memory

After spending five years in Adajerre on the gods' errand, and driven by a sacred oath, Sabra turns her attention to the northern province of Urak, where she knows someone that might shed light on the trade of elven flesh in the White Seas. After she is reunited with her friends Deborah and Tarcua, she learns that youth from the Lunar Temple have been stolen into possible slavery, sharpening her determination to learn the truth. With the help of a former enemy, Sabra, Tarcua, and Deborah set out to find a fortress inhabited by a people who can give Sabra the answers she seeks. However, their knowledge will come at a brutal price that will test the limits of Sabra's strength and patience. And if that were not enough, the scars on Sabra left by the Golden One have awoken into a terrible curse that induces memories to become painful reality. 

Xenta Di'curio is one of those stolen from his home in Hakor and forced into a massive mining operation overlooked by Unia'a and humans twisted by necromancy. There he meets Caemorr, a young woman not much older than him, and though they are forced to commit the unthinkable to keep each other safe, they will forge a bond that will give them the strength to survive the horrors of their sadistic masters. 

With monsters forcing sentients into slavery and a Hunter curse sucking away her sanity, Sabra must learn the secrets of freeing her own spirit before she can begin to free others from nightmarish servitude. As Caemorr's only friend, Xenta will learn that the gods' love can reach into the darkest of places and that hope in Their power is priceless.


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