Friday, November 20, 2015


Hello everyone, I hope you've had an awesome November so far.  All these projects have kept me busy and happy.

Recently I've been trying to find ways to supplement our income, and I rediscovered Patreon.  I had learned about it through my brothers' ARC comic project, and I'm planning on launching my own platform on Patreon.  This entails giving you, my readers, more goodies when you pledge a certain amount of dollars to support my artistry. They would include original stories, art, and maybe other things if I think them up.

Progress has been steady on Gift Search, In Chaos Forged, and the Libera Battle TCG.  In Gift Search, I did a ton of revision on the first 1/3-1/4 of the book, jumping back and forth a bit, before continuing on to revise the next part of the manuscript.  In Hammer of Fire, I've been trying to figure out how the story's going to end, and how it will lead up to that point.

I've been thinking about getting beta readers for when I finish drafting In Chaos Forged. I would like to get some serious critique on this book when the time comes, especially since it's so different from other Libera stories and it's the start of a new series.

Keep an eye out for more updates, and have an awesome day!

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